The Key Members Of An Effective SEO Content Marketing Team

SEO Content

It takes a team of professionals to develop and implement an effective SEO content marketing plan. From keyword research to publication, each member plays an integral role in the success of the content. Discover the key members of an effective SEO content marketing team to ensure they are all aboard for the company’s next campaign.

Project Manager

A project manager ensures everyone on the SEO content marketing team works together seamlessly. Typically, project managers have experience in all or most of the aspects of content marketing. They use their expertise to make sure all the team members understand the scope of their work and perform within designated deadlines. A project manager also interacts with clients to understand their needs and keep them updated on the project’s progress.

Keyword Researcher

A keyword researcher understands the basics of SEO and marketing. Based on the target market and its current needs, keyword researchers analyze search engine results to find the most effective short-tail and long-tail keywords for the content marketing campaign. Often the content topics are developed based on these keywords.

SEO Strategist

Sometimes the keyword researcher and SEO strategist are the same people. In other instances, these are two separate team members. An SEO strategist helps develop content topics, determines the right mix of keywords for each article, and determines keyword density. Often the strategist analyzes the progress of current articles to assess the success of recent marketing campaigns and adjust new ones based on these results. The strategist develops titles and metadata to ensure the content is recognized on the search engines.

Managing Editor

The managing editor oversees the writers, edits content, and makes meaningful suggestions for improvements. From incorporating the proper grammar and spelling to crafting compelling content ideas, the managing editor is on the scene to ensure each piece of content resonates with the target market.

Journalistic Writer

A journalistic writer reviews the keyword research, SEO strategies, and suggestions from the project manager and managing editor to craft compelling content. Writers research to find relevant information about topics and then create an original piece article based on these facts. Top-notch writers have a journalistic approach to say more by using fewer words. Often writers find internal and external links to include in SEO content.

Web Designer

Navigable and attractive web design is imperative to get visitors to read the posted content. The site should load quickly and be accessible on mobile devices. Plus, there should be appealing images, videos, content, and calls to action in places where visitors can easily find them. A web designer brings all of this together and does the background design work, to make a website look amazing.


Many websites are harnessing the power of video in their SEO content. Some create video tutorials while others provide updates about the company and its goods or services. A talented videographer creates professional quality videos visitors want to watch.

Editorial Assistant

Once the rest of the SEO content marketing team does their work, the article is ready to post on the client’s website. An editorial assistant ensures all the elements are in place before the article is posted and goes live. The assistant posts the article, metadata, images, and video on the client’s website and publishes everything according to the editorial calendar.

Each member of an effective SEO content marketing team makes the magic happen for clients. A well-organized approach produces the best content to generate leads and encourage visitors to take action.