You’ve got mail! Well, probably not from Tom Hanks, but important nevertheless. You may not need all of them, but there are some you would better keep. What if you just got your keys to a used class A motor home and is out exploring the country? Do your mails simply sit there in the mailbox until you ‘rescue’ them? What if they get lost? No, you don’t want that, and we will show you a way out. You just have to select the right mail forwarding option. Take your pick from the following few choices.
Get Your Family or Friends to Forward Mail
Ask your friends or family members if you can use their address to get your mail. If they agree, you can request them to forward the mail to you whenever it is convenient. The benefit of this process is that your mail will be in safe hands, but there are a few hiccups. Although forwarding a mail doesn’t cost anything other than the postage, it might not always be convenient for your near and dear ones to receive, store, and send mail whenever you need them. Usually, most would lose their interest and willingness to do it. Receiving your mail can be a problem for them if they are planning to move. It is best to think of this option as a short-term solution.
Use Post Offices
Post offices can hold your mail for up to 30 days, which is pretty convenient for motor home travellers. Plus, your packages will be safe in a post office. You can also label your mails as general delivery and put the nearest post office address to get it delivered where you are. But, keep in mind that not all post offices offer general delivery solutions. So, get information before making a move.
Rent a Mailbox
Generally, companies like UPS offer such facilities. The setup is easy and the process is simple. You can check the services and personalize them as it suits you. Your mail will be handled by professionals, so you can rest easy about the safety of packages. However, these mailboxes are not considered to be legal addresses, which might keep some mails from reaching you. Plus, availing of these solutions can be a bit expensive for some motor home travellers (especially those who are on a budget).
Use Campgrounds to Get Mail
You can use the campground address to forward the mail. This can be a convenient solution for you, but not every camp offers such facilities. So, getting to know your new campsite rules and regulations would be helpful for you before making a decision. Plus, keep in mind that even if your campground agrees to receive your mail, the security and privacy privileges will be close to none.
Go for Professional Mail Forwarding
Professional mail forwarding services can sort your mail, handle them carefully, and forward it to you when you need them. Their charges are way lower than renting a mailbox, and they offer personal services like sending you scanned images of the mail, unlimited weekly mail forwarding, online mail forwarding, disposing of unwanted mails, and the likes. However, they need a permanent address and often require club memberships.
Your mail-forwarding options do not end here. You can always find new and better ones after talking to other RV-ers or come up with your own unique arrangement. Which option would work for you depends upon your needs and RV lifestyle. When you want to hit the road in your used Class A motor home, sorting out mails is not exactly on your mind. We get it. But these little things are important too so that you can enjoy a hassle-free holiday without ever worrying about a missed mail.