Changes To Make To Your Website To Increase Sales

Increase Sales

Increasing eCommerce Sales

One of the most important aspects of an eCommerce business is the sales. If the business is unable to sell enough products or services, the company will fail. There are numerous ways to increase sales and promote the success of the business. Many of these methods are outlined below.

Multilingual Chat

Multilingual chat provides real-time support for customers quickly and easily. Two of every ten customers rank online support as one of the top three benefits a company can provide. When a customer can access service 24/7 in their language, it promotes customer retention, loyalty and increased sales. Multilingual chat provides customers with answers to their questions on their schedule. This is an excellent way to provide the support necessary to keep customers happy. This is especially true if the company is selling globally because it increases global marketing, efficiency, sales and customer satisfaction. Moreover, clients who are looking for B2B transactions majorly prefer to work with global brands which have credibility and reputation. Multilingual chat options play a greater role here and help organizations achieve more with business consumers globally.

The Upsell

One of the best ways to increase sales is to offer upsells on the website. A few good examples are offering matching earrings when a necklace is purchased, offering a higher quality of leather gloves or suggesting the customer purchase a packaged deal containing additional products or services. It is important the upsells directly relate to the purchase and are within the anticipated price range of the consumer. If the price is increased, the upsell must be of superior quality.

Decreasing Abandoned Carts

Every time a shopping cart is abandoned, the website loses money. The latest research shows 69.23 per cent of shopping carts are abandoned every year. Remind consumers to complete their purchases and offer incentives such as free shipping or special discounts. Another way to persuade customers to complete their purchases is with an email recovery campaign. The email should contain a catchy subject line and provide offers enticing enough to get the consumer to return to the site and complete their purchase. Even if the percentage of completed orders is small, additional sales are being secured.

The Welcome Email

Sending valuable emails to current or potential customers is an effective and important marketing tool. When a consumer makes their first purchase, send them a welcoming email. The website can offer free gifts, promo codes, regular newsletters, new discount offers, company news and product tips. Emails are an exceptional way to promote products and services for the holidays, thank important customers, send personal messages and ask for feedback.

The Wishlist

A wishlist is a very important tool for any eCommerce website. The idea is to provide shoppers with a way to save items they are interested in, but not yet ready to purchase. The website can send the customer an email reminder regarding their wishlist, offer a discount for purchasing within a specific period of time or inform the customer one or more of their items are almost out of stock. This often provides the motivation necessary for the consumer to make the purchase.

The Importance of the Website

The website must be well designed or customers will be lost. This includes the initial appearance, navigation, font, colours, shopping cart, information displayed and chat features. The number of products and text displayed on each page must be balanced and aesthetically appealing. The website must be efficient, feel comfortable and invoke confidence. Live chat will enable a potential customer to ask questions and engage with the business. A direct conversation addresses any concerns provides answers and increases sales.

The Future Expansion

The market demand must be evaluated to determine if expanding the product line is a viable financial option. This can be accomplished by researching social media trends, feasible geographic, keywords, previous sales, etc. Pages should be created for every product or service being considered for expansion using compelling copy and quality photography. Once this step is complete, the products should all be marked out of stock. Look for the products with the most customer requests for notification. These are the products to expand. If the products are available in different colours such as clothing or shoes offer customers an email when the desired colour is back in stock.

Content Marketing

Content marketing will help the website with search engine rankings and regular customer contact. This can be achieved through blogging, a podcast to strengthen the community or having a guest post on other websites to generate backlinks, improve search engine optimization and build awareness. Products can be viewed easier and more effectively with the use of guides placed on the homepage to assist consumers with locating the right product.

The Bottom Line

Increasing sales for any eCommerce business is necessary for the business to succeed and grow. The above suggestions will help build the business, increase customer satisfaction and make the website more effective. In most cases, this will lead to increased sales.