5 Ways To Improve Your Recruitment Process


There will always be a need to hire new recruits, staff members come and go, and companies regularly have to search for new workers to fill positions within their organisation. It can be a difficult process which sometimes does not always work out as planned, hiring the wrong person can cost a company a lot of time and money, so it pays dividends to appropriately focus on your hiring procedures.

  1. Advertising Job Criteria

When advertising your position you should careful to use key words which make the job sound appealing to qualified candidates, if your job description is not well written it may impact upon your ability to find the most suitable candidate for your company, a long list of words detailing specific roles and responsibilities can alienate some candidates. It is important to design an advertisement which focuses on “what your business can do for potential employees” rather than the “what can they do for you” approach.

  1. Consider Soft Skills

Although it is important to employ a candidate who possess the right skill set for the position, you should also focus on hiring individuals that have a number of positive soft skills such as interpersonal skills and social intelligence. You can always acquire new skills, but you cannot change an individual’s personality, try not to narrow your approach, concentrate on hiring adaptable employees who will be more beneficial to your company.

  1. Personality Types

Consider certain personality types for particular roles in your organisation, some people are talkative, bubbly, and sociable and may be perfect to use in promotional roles which require these specific characteristics. Certain candidates may fit perfectly into your company culture while others would definitely not be suitable for your particular organisation, choose applicants based on a number of characteristics. 

  1. Background and Screening Checks

Background checks are an extremely valuable tool which should always be used during the recruitment process, there are a number of professional organisations who can carry out screening checks to ensure that you are employing the right candidate for the job. If, for example, you require a pre employment CRB check, you simply contact a company who specialises in these services and they will tailor their search for your particular needs.

  1. Ask the Right Type of Questions

A lot of employers sit down with a list of questions that are not suitable for interviews and rarely, if ever, elicit the required response or desired information from the candidate. You should use open questions where possible and always give each candidate time to talk and elaborate on answers, this helps you to learn about them without constantly controlling the interview. For example, questions such as “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” can tell an employer a lot about a persons drive and ambition.

It is important to take the time to carefully consider your recruitment process to guarantee you hire the correct candidate for the job. Successful organisations have successful hiring procedures, this is how they attract highly skilled individuals, the 5 tips mentioned about will help improve your own hiring process.