How Do Marketing And Customer Service Relate?


When looking into marketing strategies, you might not think about consulting your customer service team. But after reading what’s to follow, you likely will amend that and encourage communication between these teams. The marketing and customer service departments in your business can work together, and do so well, to strengthen operations.

How do Customers Contact You?

The answer to this question is likely that they use social media. Let’s say that they don’t receive their order on the expected date. Rather than going to your website to search out your contact information, many customers will probably reach out to you on Facebook, Twitter or another social platform.

Research shows that most consumers prefer contacting businesses on social media rather than email, live chat, or phone. Thus, it’s important to designate both marketing and customer service professionals on your team to use social media. This example shows that they need to communicate with one another.

How Marketing and Customer Support Can Collaborate

When responding to customer issues on social media, do you assign it to your social media manager? If so, the chances are good that you are providing a customer service experience that is not as great as it could be. 

If you’re doing that, it’s likely because you want to keep the activities at Twitter and the related platforms separate marketing actions. But in doing so, you’re not giving your customers the experience they deserve from you. Instead, make it easier for marketers to forward complaints, questions, and more to your customer service specialists by using a social media management tool.

Provide Better Customer Service by Outsourcing IT Services

Another consideration is whether you can provide a reliable, fast, and secure website to your target audience. Suppose your business site crashes regularly or has a vulnerability that opens it up to hackers. In that case, you risk providing a subpar experience to those who depend on you for certain products or services.

In this case, you need to consider what is happening behind the scenes. Outsourcing to an expert IT service provider like Integrated Computer Services will ensure you get 24/7 system monitoring and technical support. They also provide threat detection tools to combat cybersecurity issues.

Furthermore, when you outsource IT services, you have more time to focus on your business. That includes providing staff with regular customer service training and going ahead on certain marketing strategies to grow your organization.

Final Thoughts: They have Shared Goals Too

Your marketing and customer service teams have shared goals. They both want to draw the attention of new visitors, as well as convert them into buyers. They also want to provide those people with excellent customer service.

Each of the two departments also brings their expertise to the table. They can share the insights gained with one another to benefit the business. For example, marketers can express to the customer service team what customers are regularly asking them about on Twitter.

Finally, have meetings between the two teams to understand one another better and ultimately provide the best experience to your target audience. The relationship is a complex one but understanding it can take your business far.