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Thinking About Trademarking Your Name?


It is not uncommon for celebrities and athletes to trademark their names, but what exactly is a trademark and how can your name qualify to become one? If you choose to register your name as a trademark and the application is accepted, you will have exclusive rights to the name and no one else will be able to copy it. Keep reading to learn how to meet the necessary qualifications and subsequently defend a trademarked name.

How to Qualify for a Trademark

In order for your name to be able to qualify as a trademark, there must be a logical business reason and it has to be a candidate for one of the designated categories. It is never a bad idea to reach out to a Scottsdale trademark lawyer to help guide you through the process and give you an idea about whether or not your name will be approved.

Fanciful and arbitrary names are most likely to be trademarked. These names are either made up words or have a real meaning, the important part is that they are not logically associated to the company and its products.

Is Registering the Same as Trademarking?

Registering is not the same as trademarking. A registered name is only valid in the state while a trademarked name is valid throughout the country or even internationally. It is important to trademark a name rather than register it so that other businesses around the country don’t steal it.

Remember to Defend Your Trademark

Even after your name has been trademarked, it is important to stay on the ball or you could lose the trademark. Practice due diligence and regularly do your research to make sure your trademark rights are not being violated. However, suing someone over a trademarked name can be difficult. You must prove that people are confusing the names with each other.

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