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5 Of The Best Online Platforms For Up-And-Coming Thought Leaders


Thought leadership isn’t for everyone. Coming up with original ideas that are of value to others is no simple task. Luckily, there are a few things that can help you become an impactful thought leader in your field.

First, start with what you know. If you really want to add value to a topic, you need to understand it well. Study original sources and learn about where your topic is trending before you try to create any of your own takeaways.

To really excel as a leader, you’ll also need to feel excited about your work. Many thought leaders are popular because they feel passionate about their work. With that being said, you don’t necessarily need to be extremely passionate about a topic to become one of its thought leaders. As long as the work improves the world in some way, you should be able to discuss it in an engaging and unique way.

Once you find a worthwhile or passion-evoking topic that you have a good grasp on, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an established thought leader. There’s just one last thing to consider … How will you share your ideas with others?

There are many ways to disseminate your new insight, but one of the most effective is through writing. Sitting down and composing your thoughts in a written format is a simple, effective way to promote your personal brand and grow your presence as a thought leader.

When it comes to distributing your message, you’ll have a plethora of platforms to consider. Each will help you with different goals, but some outperform others time and time again. Below, five of the best online platforms for up-and-coming thought leaders that you can start contributing to today.

1) Personal Website

Every up-and-coming thought leader should have a personal website. As a thought leader, you are your brand. So, it’s important to maintain a personal site that keeps readers up-to-date on your life and your insights.

The first step to building your online brand is to secure a domain name. Your tendency might be to perseverate over the name of your new URL, but you don’t need to spend too much time thinking about the ideal name. Your personal name is probably your ideal brand name. For example, As long as your name is straightforward and fairly easy to pronounce, it will make for a good domain name.

2) Company Blog

Another key content distribution platform that can’t be underestimated is a business blog. Running a blog that covers topics that relate to what your company is selling is perhaps the best way to create a positive company image while establishing yourself as a thought leader.

Again, you’ll want these blogs to be well-written, and you’ll want them to introduce original thoughts that add value to a reader’s life. Every post you publish should increase a customer’s confidence in your products, services and your personal brand.

3) Medium

Amazing writers and professionals publish content on Medium. On this platform, thought leaders often use more take a more personal tone. It’s not uncommon for writers to become vulnerable and talk about their emotions in the content they write for the Medium audience.

Again, like your personal and business blogs, you’ll want to keep the stories you share on this platform pretty short. Presenting original content and thought is still important, but it should be done in more of a story format that has an engaging title. Overall, stories about personal experiences and how-to’s generally top the site’s popularity lists.

4) LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of the most underrated platforms for up-and-coming thought leaders. The platform has many advantages, but one of the most important is that LinkedIn hosts an audience that craves long-form content. According to Rory Witt, founder of DigiMar, “The articles that perform the best on [LinkedIn] are 1,900 to 2,000 words.”

If you use this platform wisely, you’ll be able to quickly show that your knowledge and mastery of your field extends long beyond your traditional short-form blog posts. When you publish content on this social network, you’ll demonstrate that you’re capable of thought leadership on a higher level than others might have previously thought.

5) Quora

Quora is internet gold when it comes to indirectly improving your personal brand and promoting your business. One of the best ways for up-and-coming thought leaders to get started on this platform is by answering customer questions. Quora visitors post questions on a variety of topics, and answering their inquiries in a timely and helpful fashion can help spread your name and your business.

One of the best ways to increase your website traffic and personal popularity is to include useful links in your replies. When possible, your links should redirect to your written content. When you do this, make sure that your links provide genuine, helpful content. Any user can report your link as spam, so play it safe by only linking to your content that further answers their question or provides relevant information.

The Golden Ticket to Success

Creating completely original, helpful and thought-provoking content alone might not be enough to establish yourself as a thought leader. All of these components are important to your success, but by themselves, they probably won’t be enough to secure your success.

Thought leaders today engage with their audiences in a way that is more similar to a person-to-person conversation than any other type of communication. By engaging audiences, rather than simply addressing them, you can outperform other better-established thought leaders.

As you create your content, keep in mind that it should always be conducive to a two-way conversation. Write in a way that allows readers to engage and ask questions afterwards. As you respond to readers and promote your content further, try to do so in a way that includes the three essential attributes of interpersonal conversation: intimacy, interactivity and intentionality.

One of the main benefits of Medium is that it favours vulnerable, personal stories that breed a feeling of intimacy. Again, this platform will allow you to stay close to your readers and make them feel like they really know you. Every platform suggested above allows your posts to receive comments, which will promote interactivity. You need to talk with your readers—not just to them—if you really want to flourish as a thought leader.

Above all else, your content needs to be intentional. Without guidance, it’s easy for any conversation to become unproductive or uninspired. Remember, everything you write should create a buzz that aligns with your strategic objective—becoming an established thought leader.

The life of an up-and-coming thought leader isn’t always easy or glamorous. There are many challenges and barriers you’ll face as you rise from an up-and-coming thought leader to an established thought leader—one of which is where to post your content.

There are a lot of publishing options out there, but the five represented above are absolutely some of the best. Make a point to stay on top of sharing insightful, original content on these platforms, and you’ll quickly find yourself on the road to becoming a well-known thought leader in your field.

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